of Customer-Owned Tools

InFocus offers motor servicing in our Nisku, Alberta facility. Take advantage of our highly experienced staff and local contacts, and our Operations team of veteran directional drillers and global drilling tool servicing trainers.
Let us service your motors while you coordinate with your customers! We will handle the dirty work.
Motor / Equipment purchase discounts available when combined with a service agreement. We will sell you a full motor at a preferred rate if we service and/or store your tools if requested, while providing your company a competitive servicing rate.
Take advantage of combination pricing on InFocus products that can be incorporated into your project! (including but not limited to: AMP: All Metal Power (metal-to-metal) power sections, HSRT Hi-Speed Reaming Tools for casing landing, Thru-Tubing HSRT casing cleanout tools and/or casing recovery, FRT: Friction Reduction Tools w/AMP Inside (agitators), Anti-Torque Swivels) and more.
In-house Dyno testing available – call Operations for more details.
As a valued customer, access to our full-support engineering team.
InFocus will coordinate Third Party Inspection of your components.
InFocus always provides full service work instructions, specification sheets, fishing diagrams, and recommended operational procedures along with instructional videos for each product. Full service training is available with every product sold. Our Certified Technicians are based in Canada and can train your employees at any location in the world, with the option of in house training by sending your technicians for training at our location. We will provide full Competency Certificates from our experienced Global Training Managers.